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Aug 22, 2018

AGM 2018

AGM 2018

Northern Counties Schools Football Association

Minutes  of the Annual General Meeting 2018

held on Monday 11 June at PPG Canalside, Huddersfield at 7.00pm


1 Welcome

The chairman, Ken Davies (Merseyside SFA) welcomed all those attending


2 Roll call

Cleveland: Carl Smith. Simon Carey
Cheshire: apologies received
Cumbria: Paul Tickner
Durham: Keith Gilbertson, Allan Reed, Alan Johnston, John Shippen
Greater Manchester: Mark Shackleton
Lancashire: Mike Timberlake
Merseyside: Ken Davies, Bob Downing
North Yorkshire: Richard Davis, Dave Prothero
Northumberland: Owen Aiston, Peter Tracey, Chris Newman
South Yorkshire: Jay Mellor
West Yorkshire: Tom Walton

3 Apologies were received from

Cheshire: John Clark, Harry Hauxley, Derek Pearson
Durham: Geoff Wainwright, Phil Cunningham, John Robson
Merseyside: Joe Ryan
Northumberland: Neil Pont
South Yorkshire: Steve Maddock

4 In Memoriam

A respectful silence was observed to remember two wonderful servants of Schools football and former chairmen of NCSFA:
Eddie Roberts of North Yorkshire
Nigel Brown of Greater Manchester

5 The published ESFA and NCSFA Standing Orders were adopted for the meeting

6 The minutes of the AGM 2017 were received and accepted. There were no matters arising.

7 Annual Report:Hon Sec Peter Tracey

The report had been circulated to all counties in advance:
i. Trophy competitions at Under 14 level for boys and girls were introduced
ii. The need to get fixtures well organised in good time and to observe deadlines was stressed
iii. Outcomes of the 5 comps for 2017-18 were declared
iv. Satisfactory arrangements for Finals were described
v. The massive impact of escalating transport costs was highlighted
vi. The squeeze on funding after ESFA grant is no longer available
vii. NCSFA members collective  views on ESFA National Inter County Trophies was not in accord with ESFA decision to continue with open rounds from the start
viii. The late availability of PFA funding for festivals and outcomes was regretted
ix. The ESFA emphasis  on getting new initiatives at grass roots at the expense of representative levels of football was noted
x. Incidents and events leading to a review of competition rules were explained
xi. A request that all future County match programmes print clearly the contact details of the CWO for all players and parents and supporters to see
xii. An appreciation of Messrs Roberts and Brown
xiii. Recognition of the efforts of those involved in NCSFA, web master Pont, CWO Johnstone , Auditor Prothero and Treasurer Newman
xiv. The secretary especially  thanked the outgoing Chairman Ken Davies who had served the Association without stint for the last two years

The report was received and there followed a detailed discussion especially concerning the withdrawal of funding, transport costs, open national rounds and difficulties of budgeting.

Concern was expressed at the ESFA’s AGM now being held in November rather than at the end of a season.

8 Treasurer's Report: Chris Newman

Chris presented a gloomy report on finances and future prospects.
i. Over the last ten years we have gradually had to erode the reserves which now stand at £3432
ii. There will be no ESFA support grant in 2018-19. It was in the region of £2000 in each of previous ten years
iii. Affiliation fees at £100 per county as in previous years will not support expenditure as in previous seasons
iv. Very difficult  and uncertain future ahead
v. Resources and reserves will scarcely cover essential running costs at present
vi. Tough choices will need to be made as to support funding

Chris had proferred his intention to resign at the AGM last season and he confirmed that resignation with immediate effect. He was gratefully thanked for all his efforts and contributions by the Chairman.

In a detailed  discussion several points were made about finances:
i. With little hope of further immediate ESFA support then counties will have to look carefully at their own costs and income streams in order to continue county football.
ii. The idea of introducing an entry fee per competition was discussed but not proposed
iii. The ESFA financial difficulties and allocations were explained clearly and unmistakeably. The ESFA, now a registered charity, is not allowed to set a deficit budget and everything stems from that
iv. The ESFA International budget had been slashed from £85k to £55k as economy measures were necessary.
v. ESFA has employed a professional Fund raiser to try to mitigate the financial situation and outlook.
vi. PFA funds for next season are not at all assured but counties are urged to make bids as soon as possible, using criteria given, in the hope that there would be a state of readiness should funds become available.
vii. The future of Festivals such as the Cleveland event is unclear without financial support

9 The Auditor’s report

Dave Prothero gave a glowing commendation of the accounts and the work of our treasurer.

He also commented that there is much uncertainty over the financial situation for county football in the coming year.

10 Life Membership

Dave Prothero recognised the very careful work of the retiring Treasurer and proposed that Chris Newman be made a Life Member of the Association. This was seconded and agreed nem con.

11 Election of Officers for season 2018-19, nominated and seconded and agreed

Chairman: Dave Prothero (North Yorkshire)
Vice Chairman: Steve Maddock (South Yorkshire)
Secretary Peter Tracey  (Northumberland)
Treasurer Mark Shackleton  (Greater Manchester)
Auditor: Dave Prothero

ESFA: Owen Aston and Alan Johnston
CWO Alan Johnston

Webmaster: Neil Pont

12 Fixture and competition arrangements 2018-19

Following the circulation of a discussion paper the following details were agreed

Girls under 14 (8 entries)
Straightforward leagues East and West., 3 matches each team. Top teams to a Final
Final to be played on or before Saturday 13 April

Girls Under 16 (9 entries)

ESFA nomination to be made on Saturday January 12 or 19. Two leading sides to be nominated

NCSFA semi finals to be arranged before 28 February.
The Final  to be played on or  before Saturday 13 April

Boys Under 14 ( 5 entries)

Round Robin competition with fixtures reversed from last season.
Leading two teams at March 23 to play in a Final
Final to be played on or before Saturday 6 April

Boys Under 16 (11 entries)

Normal pattern of two leagues East and West
Limit date for semi final qualification to be 28 February

Semi Finals on or before 23 March
Final to be played on or before Saturday 13 April

Boys Under 18 ( 10 entries)

With 5 matches per team in East and 3 in West there was a discussion about whether we should look to  equalise the two divisions, and if so how? But there was no agreement to any change

Limit date for semi final qualification to be 28 February
Semi Finals on or before 23 March

Final to be played on or before Saturday 13 April

Cup Finals  2019:  to be hosted as follows

14 Girls: winner West v East  semi final

16 Girls: winner West v East  semi final

14 Boys: reverse fixture of two finalists

16 Boys: winner East v West  semi final

18 Boys: winner East v West  semi final


13 Proposals to Rule changes

Proposed by Secretary and seconded by John Shipphen, and agreed nem con

Additions to Competition Rules to bring NCSFA in line with ESFA rules

Proposal 1. Add to Rules as follows

6d NCSFA Trophy for Boys under 14

Only bona-fide scholars receiving full-time education in accordance with the Education Acts, who are on the roll of a school affiliated to the County Association, over the age of 13 years and under the age of 14 years at midnight between the previous 31st August and 1st September shall be allowed to take part in the Regional Competition. (Years 9 only)

6e NCSFA  Trophy for Girls Under 14  

Only bona-fide scholars receiving full-time education in accordance with the Education Acts, who are on the roll of a school affiliated to the County Association who are  over the age of 12 and under the age of 14 at midnight of the previous 31 August and 1st September. (Years 8 and 9 only) are eligible

Proposal 2
Amendment to Competition Rule 6(d) relating to eligibity transgressions

The amendment proposed and agreed alters the bold underlined script to read

If the NCSFA has any doubt as to the qualifications of any player taking part in a  Competition, it shall have the power to call upon the Association to which he/she belongs, or for which he/she played, to prove that he/she is qualified according to the rules, and failing satisfactory proof, the offending Association  may be disqualified from the Competition, or suffer other sanction as determined at the discretion of the Officers.

Proposal 3

Proposal  for addition to Rule 9 Duration of matches at Under 14

Proposed by the secretary, Peter Tracey .seconded by Cumbria but then withdrawn

The duration of each match shall be 35 minutes each way. If it is deemed inadvisable to play for 70 minutes, the secretaries of the competing teams and the referee may decide that the duration of play may be reduced. In the event of a drawn game in a semi final or final the match shall be decided on penalty kicks after the completion of normal  time.

This was withdrawn after discussion

14 Treasurer: Hand over protocol  (passed unanimously)

It was proposed by Chris Newman and seconded by Peter Tracey as follows and agreed:

" That Mark Shackleton (Greater Manchester SFA), having been elected as Honorary Treasurer of the Association at this AGM, be recognised as the signatory for bank accounts and be responsible for online banking on behalf of the Association."

15 Incoming Chairman Dave Prothero

Thanked Ken Davies for all his attention to duties well performed over the last two years

16 AOB     none

17 Meeting closed at 9.35pm

18 Date of the next meeting.  The AGM of NCSFA in 2019 is confirmed as Monday 10 June at PPG Canalside Huddersfield at 7.00pm

PMT 12 June 2018.