AGM 2017
Minutes of the NCSFA Annual General Meeting 2017 held on Monday 12 June at Canalside, Huddersfield at 7.00pm
The chairman, Ken Davies (Merseyside SFA) welcomed all those attending (21)
Roll call
- Cleveland: Carl Smith. Simon Carey
- Cheshire : John Clarke, Harry Huxley
- Cumbria: Paul Tickner
- Durham: Keith Gilbertson, Allan Reed, Alan Johnston, John Robson, John Shippen
- Greater Manchester: Mark Shackleton, Alan Smith, Andy Jackson
- Lancashire: Mike Timberlake
- Merseyside: Ken Davies
- North Yorkshire: Richard Davis, Dave Prothero
- Northumberland: Owen Aiston, Peter Tracey, Chris Newman
- West Yorkshire: Tom Walton
- ESFA: Andy Williams
Apologies were received from
South Yorkshire: Steve Maddock
Other apologies received from Geoff Wainwright, Mike Nadal, Neil Pont, Mike Duffy and Bob Downing.
Hefyn Roberts
The chairman led a heartfelt tribute to Hefyn Roberts of Cheshire who had died just a few days before the meeting, describing him as an example of devotion, enthusiasm, hard work and commitment to Schools football. A man who will be greatly missed but very fondly remembered by his many friends and colleagues. A minute of silent reflection was observed by all present.
The published ESFA and NCSFA Standing Orders were adopted for the meeting
The minutes of the AGM 2016 were received and accepted with just an occasional error being pointed out and corrected. The chair had been taken by Mike Duffy and not Ken Davies as written in the minutes.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
Annual Report from Hon Sec Peter Tracey
The report had been circulated to all counties in advance and drew attention to some positive and less positive developments in the season just finished.
The main thrusts of the report were as follows
- There continues to be a pressing need for fixtures and competitions to be completed in a shorter time frame, with the aspiration that we shall see all finals played before Easter.
- All our cup finals in 2017 were very good events
- There are financial and other pressures on all counties which will need to be addressed imaginatively if Inter County Football is to continue.
- A more proactive approach to fund raising is needed and some good examples can be used as exemplars.
- Festivals for under 14 Boys and Girls and under 15 Boys were held in the season providing really good experiences for about 400 boys and girls.
- Under 18 football is threatened by many outside interests and these need to be recognised.
- Girls football is booming but the recognition of Schools Inter County Competition needs to be constantly argued for. The FA and RTCs seem less than considerate at times.
- We need to recognise the role of CWOs and publicise names and contacts in our programmes and publications
The report was accepted, and a short discussion centred on the CWO issue linked to First Aid matters and the need for all county teams to have staff in attendance at training and matches who satisfied all current requirements so far as safeguarding of young people in our care is concerned. The guidelines are well publicised by ESFA
Financial Report from Hon Treasurer Chris Newman
The accounts show that we ended the year with almost exactly the same balances, (£4047.26) as those with which we started and that this was down to a number of factors
- Careful allocation of funds to cover three festivals, for which we received grant funding of £2500
- Cup Finals were less costly thanks to good management
- Sensible affiliation fees
- Prospects for 2017-18 had improved with the notification from ESFA that a grant will be forthcoming
Chris informed the meeting of his intention to step down at the end of 2017-18 season and that the Association needs to appoint his successor shortly. Counties were asked to think about nominations.
The Auditor’s report
Dave Prothero gave a glowing commendation of the accounts and the work of our treasurer. He also commented that there is much uncertainty over the financial situation for county football in the coming year.
Election of Officers
Following nomination and seconding the officers were elected for 2017-18 as follows:
- Chairman: Ken Davies
- Secretary: Peter Tracey
- Treasurer: Chris Newman
- Vice Chairman: Dave Prothero (North Yorkshire)
- Hon Auditor: Dave Prothero
- ESFA representatives: Owen Aiston, Alan Johnston, Andy Williams
- CWO: Alan Johnston
- Website: Neil Pont
Fixture programme for 2017-18
- The secretary circulated a proposed set of fixtures for both the East and the West side divisions.
- The fixture programme is attached to these minutes and involves all counties who indicated verbally at the meeting their intention to take part.
- The hope was again expressed that both girls’ leagues would be completed on both sides before Christmas to allow semi finals in January before the ESFA nomination deadline date. This was agreed by those attending but there was a discussion about Open weekends for Girls being increasingly taken by RTCs and the FA. So, the advice to all counties was that they should book the fixtures to be on an open weekend and to notify all concerned of the fixture dates giving notice of at least two full weeks.
- It was agreed that a programme of fixtures leading to a trophy and a title would be prepared at under 14 Boys and also under 14 Girls in the coming season. There were 7 Counties wanting to take part at under 14 Girls and 4 at under 14 boys.
- No formal proposal to introduce a competition at under14 was made. So the suggestion implied at the meeting was to follow the ESFA guidelines for inter-county football at that age group
- Lancashire informed the meeting that any girl not willing or able to play for her county would not be nominated for any national squad.
Re Under 14 Comps please see the addendum to these minutes below
Cup Final arrangements
- Under 18 boys: final to be staged by winner of the West v East semi final
- Under 16 Boys: final to be staged by winner of the East v West semi final
- Under 16 Girls: final to be staged by winner of the West v East semi final
Open Discussion
1. Administrators
There was much discussion of the role of the paid administrator. It was generally felt that whilst the new administrators might not initially be experienced in schools’ football ethos, nevertheless there was an opportunity here for them to explore opportunities of sponsorship, joint working with county FAs, scheduling matters with other stakeholders in junior football, launching initiatives and showing enterprise. This was not just an opportunity for SFAs to spread workloads, but also an opportunity for the administrators to carve a niche and make a job which might be to their advantage as well.
2. Funding
Discussion also about the future funding of schools’ football. Whilst there is still some ring-fenced funding for the disability game and other developmental areas, it had to be noted that funds to local associations was drying up or being stopped. There are no funds for Inter Association football. Local Associations will have to become self-funding. Newcastle SFA has seven age group teams all of which are self funding in one way or another.
3. Repton and PFA
The Repton development courses have ceased due to a lack of suitable nominations and the withdrawal of PFA funding
4. Best practice
There was discussion about the ongoing need for all counties to observe best practice so far as naming and identifying CWOs, having suitably qualified First Aid at hand for all matches, and having good registration procedures for all players with named contacts and essential medical histories at the start of the season. The ESFA website and The FA website offer huge resources and information to all involved in junior football so far as safeguarding and care of players is concerned.
Date of AGM 2018: Monday 11 June 2018 at Canalside Huddersfield at 7.00pm with buffet at 6.00pm.
There being no other business the chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.
PMT (15 June 2017)
Under 14 Girls
Those counties wishing to take part in 2017-18
- East side: Durham, South Yorkshire and Cleveland
- West Side: Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Lancashire
Proposed that the leading team on East side will then play the leading team on west side for a new trophy to be called the NCSFA Under 14 Girls Trophy. Fixtures to be arranged at mutually convenient times and dates but to be completed before mid February at the latest.
Under 14 Boys
The Counties wishing to participate are Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Lancashire and Cleveland.
Fixtures proposed as follows
- Before October 30: Greater Manchester v Merseyside; Lancashire v Cleveland
- Before December 1: Cleveland v Greater Manchester; Merseyside v Lancashire
- Before January 30: Cleveland v Merseyside; Greater Manchester v Lancashire