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Oct 7, 2016

AGM 2016

AGM 2016



Monday 13  June 2016  at Canalside, Leeds Road, Huddersfield

In the absence of the chairman, Ken Davies of Merseyside took the chair


Those attending were as follows:

Vice Chairman:   K Davies  (Merseyside)
Hon Secretary:   P Tracey
Hon Treasurer:  C Newman

Cleveland: S Carey
Cheshire: J Clark
Cumbria: P. Tickner
Durham:G Wainwright, A Reed, J Robson, A Johnson
Greater Manchester: A. Smith
Lancashire: M Timberlake, A Williams, M Duffy
Northumberland:N Pont, O Aiston
North Yorkshire: R Davis
South Yorkshire: S Maddox
West Yorkshire: T. Walton
Hon. Auditor: D Prothero

Apologies were received in advance from Messrs Downing, Robson, Hauxley and Nadal

1 Chairman's welcome

Ken Davies of Merseyside took the chair in the absence of the chairman for 2015-16 and welcomed everyone to the meeting

2 Minutes of the AGM 2015 were circulated and approved as a true record. There were no matters arising

3 Secretary's Report

The Secretary (Peter Tracey) highlighted the following:

A major item was the very unfortunate circumstances surrounding the withdrawal of Merseyside from the Under 18 boys competition due to their fielding an ineligible player,  and the decision taken by the secretary to apply the letter of the competition rules to remove the Merseyside record. The knock on effect was very disturbing, but it was felt that the correct decision was taken.

Attention was drawn to the unsatisfactory funding arrangements so far for Festivals and it was hoped that ESFA might be able to ease the situation in due course.

ESFA was introducing a new proposal to help counties with their administration and it was noted that £4000 per season was available. Steve Swallow of ESFA was touring the country to meet County Secretaries to outline and discuss.

For the record, the Under 16 Girls Champions 2015-16 were Lancashire, who defeated South Yorkshire by 3-0 at Padiham. Both teams qualified for the ESFA National Inter County Competition. Girls football continues to improve and develop as every season passes and there is now much interest in an Under 14 competition…..something that will need careful thought in the meeting before Northern Counties SFA can commit to funding it.

The Under 16 boys competition was won by Greater Manchester, defeating Northumberland 2-0. The match was played on an excellent playing surface on an outside pitch at The Mini Etihad stadium in Manchester.

Durham won the Under 18 competition, defeating Northumberland by 2-0 in a local derby played in Seaton Delaval. The loss of West Yorkshire this season was noted with sadness. But it is hoped that that county will rejoin the fray in 2016.

The secretary pointed out that in season 2017-18, the chairman , secretary and treasurer would all be from the same county, Northumberland, and that that might not be a good thing. Accordingly the secretary offered to stand down at the AGM 2017 to help avoid any conflict of interest.

4 Treasurer's Report

...had been circulated and was available at the meeting. The report was received, in which he drew attention to the repeated need to use reserves in light of the decreased grant income. A discussion on finances followed.


5  Hon Auditor's Report

...was received. He praised the clarity and transparency of all the accounts which he said were in very capable hands


6 Election of Officers 2016-17

Chairman          Ken Davies (Merseyside)
Vice Chair         Owen Aiston (Northumberland)
Secretary          Peter Tracey
Treasurer           Chris Newman
Auditor             Dave Prothero
CWO                Alan Johnson

7  Proposals for rule changes

A proposal to change Rule 6(d) as follows  was defeated. The rule remains as follows:

If the NCSFA has any doubt as to the qualifications of any player taking part in  a  Competition, it shall have the power to call upon the Association to which he/she belongs, or for which he/she played, to prove that he/she is qualified according to the rules, and failing satisfactory proof, the match shall be replayed at the ground of the non transgressing team if time allows within the limit date agreed at the previous AGM, otherwise the offending team will be disqualified from the competition and all results


A proposal to change Competition Rule 7(h) was carried as follows:

7(h)    The withdrawal or elimination of any team from any NCSFA competition during a season will result in their record and all results being deleted for that season


8 Website/Handbook

It was agreed to post on the website a copy of the Competition and General rules as amended
Neil Pont has agreed to act as webmaster provided that Counties provide information.


9. A Discussion Forum was held

Concern was expressed about the timing and implications of Open Weekend Arrangements for Girls which might adversely affect Inter County arrangements

The East side counties had met to arrange a fixture schedule that would be implemented in the coming season

A possible under 14 Festival for Girls was discussed subject to funding, possibly in March, possibly in Manchester on an open weekend

There was discussion about a possible league cup competition for West side Girls subject to agreement by interested counties

Taking a gate, advertising and promoting matches, providing well for visitors and officials wereall part of a general dscussion about match arrangements

10 Cup Finals in 2017

The draw was made to ascertain the hosts for cup finals in 2016:

Under 16 Girls, hosted by the winners of the West v East semi final
Under 16 Boys, hosted by the winners of the West v East semi final
Under 18 Boys, hosted by the winners of the East v West semi final


11  Date of the next meeting

Monday 12 June 2017 at Canalside Huddersfield at 7.00pm


PMT July 5 2016